Wednesday 13 May 2015

How to Replace and Fix a Broken iPad Screen

The busted or the broken screen of your iPad can cost a pretty penny to get fixed or replaced. However, now you can also replace or fix it at Darwin phone screen repairs without taking it to the Apple Store. There are many certified Apple technician who will guide you with the steps of iPad screen repair. There are certain things that you will requiring while replacing or fixing the broken screen of your gadget. The guide will let you know exactly what equipments and tools are required for the replacement of the broken screen of your iPad.
Firstly, it is important for you to check for the warranty of the device. If your device is in warranty period then all the issues will be solved by the Apple Store without any changes. To check for the warranty of your device you need to take your iPad to the Apple Store where the warranty of the gadget will be checked by Apple Technician and let you know the status of the warranty. If the warranty of the iPad is complete, then don’t get panic as there are ways to replace and fix the broken screen of your iPad without any expenses.
There are several online guides that can help you repair or replace the broken screen of your gadget. But, it is recommended to follow only the guides that are designed by reputed Apple Technicians.
The process of repairing broken glass of both second and first generation iPad involve using a heat gun and straight razor to ply the broken glass from the screen. With the use of the heat gun the thin layer of the glue holding the glass surface will melt and it will become easier to remove the broken screen with the use of razor by slowly popping the glass off along the edge. It can be dangerous if you do it incorrectly, so have patience and do it professionally. You will find replacement glass online which you need to buy so that the broken screen of the iPad can be replaced with a new one.

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